Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NaNoWriMo 5

* NOTE TO ALL READERS- this was written with the Write or Die app, and that means I have spewed out a lot of misspelled, wrongly punctuated, and perhaps in some places insensible crap. I apologize.

It was no suprise that the Priestess found it to be no less than shocking, either. THe Prince let his hand fall quickly to his side, intending for the hold to last no longer than that. It was something that had not really been done before in living history- a touch between a Royal and one of mixed blood. It was something that truly made everyone in the room worry a bit. THe King would not care for this if he found out.

It didn't have to leave the room, of course. That was the thing- there was no reason to let anyone know, and Superior was not likely to say anyhting. Neither was Kirn, and the Priestess... she knew her place. She always had known her place, Kirn recalled. The Prince gave her a slight smile regardless, not worried about what was happening in the thoughts of htose around them. It was a sad thing indeed, Kirn thought, that she could not be properly recognized by the Kingdom for her skills and her help in keeping it from losing it's heir. That was the prince she paid for her parent's sins. Kirn could hardle believe it, htough.

Regardless, it was to be ignored at this point. The matter was between the Prince and the Priestess. The Prince turned to look at the Superior. "Please, she will be taking me back to the palace and ensuring my health further?" There was no question in his voice, but why that was escaped Kirn.

"No, Your Highness. She is the only sylph within miles of here. We could never spare her for all these men, now that you are on your way to health. We must beg your forgiveness, but please understand our situation..." The Prince cut her off with another raised hand.

"I understand the situation. I am glad that you made th right decision in allowing her to treat me. THere is little doubt she saved my life, and I am grateful for it. I am sure that my father is grateful to the Order for having their best do so, too."

It was political at this point. The PRince was doing what he could for his savior by showing that he had her under his protection. At least, that she had his respect, and that was as good as anything. Kirn was impressed. It perhaps would not help the girl much, but for the next few days she would perhaps be left alone from censure and cruelty, until the Prince was well away. His lip was bitten between his teeth. There had to be something he could do to help her situation as the Prince had, couldn't he?

Perhaps not. It was silly of him to think so. Kirn had no power here. He saw the Superior bow her head in acceptance of the Prince's words. It was astounding what the Prince could do, but that was why they were the True Rulers. Only the Order would obey them without question due to the pact between those of Royal Blood.

Nia kneeled by the Prince's side. "I thank you, Majesty." It was whispered in such a quiet tone that Kirn didn't hear it- he watched her lips move in the motion that indicated that she had said something. Of course, there was no guarantee that she had at this point. The Prince smiled at her rather gently. "Please help the rest of the soldiers as best you can. I'm sure that you are doing an excelent job, Sylph." THe deep blue sash around her waist trembled as she did, the object that marked her out from the rest of the Priestesses.

"If that is all, I am tired. Please, leave me to rest until we are ready to leave." The address left no room for argument, and no healer would have objected to his request. Nia disappeared as quietly as she could, as quickly as she could, and Kirn was left with the Superior and the Prince. Superior narrowed her eyes at Kirn, perhaps knowing that he had been kind to the half-blood, but unable to say anything about it at this point. She followed Nia out after a few more moments. The Prince gazed over at him, observing him in his own right.

Kirn had not moved from his position. "I shall leave, too, if you so desire."

"No, that is not necessary. You have been guarding me for these past few days, yes? Then I thank you, too, though I doubt the job was terribly exciting." There was a smile on his face once more. "And I am sure that you will desire to ge back to your post as quickly as possible, I am sure. I apologisre for taking you out of your region and away from your fellows. I'm sure that the burden was not easy to bear, either, what with the warning about not letting me die. I'm sure that you would have been executed if you had failed

This was a miserable day for irn. He felt badly for Nia as she would be forced to stay her and not with the Prince, who was showing an uncommon kindness and acceptance of her being. That wa something she would not- was not- finding amoung the soldiers and other Priestesses. It had shocked him when he had discovered that she was teared as badly inside the camp as she was outside of it. She had obviously saved many of these men's lives, and it wasn't exactly every day that a Syploh healed you. It meant that any other ailments that they had were going to be cured as well. Elves didn't have overly supernatural physilogy, nor did they have superhuman stregnth. It was astounding the diseases that could run rampant throught their poulation, different from Human diseases but no less dievastating.

And for those to be helped was no laughing matter, for though Elves could be more resistant, their diseases were, too, and that made them harder to find cures for, and the cures were often more expensive and troublesome than the ones the Humans had. It was something that had often been spoken of in snatches among healers, but no one really said it out loud. After all, humans were humans, and they were... cattle. No real importance other than keeping people fed and clothed.

He slipped out of the tent at the Prince's dismissal. It would be safe for him, indeed, and he had felt the need to go looking for Nia. Certailny she was in some state of shock, or perhaps some odd sort of happiness- elatedness that she had ben acknowleged. She would happily live with that sort of thing for the rest of her life, as it was rare enough in the kingdom.

That wasn't the case, though he didn't discover it until he found her. She was not in the Order's tents, and apparently knew a way through camp that involved seeing or being seen by as many people as possible.l That wasn't a bad thing in and of itself, but damn... Itw asn't easy for him to come to terms with. Kirn rather liked the Priestess. Something about her positing, helpless and powerless, made him think of a child that needed to be protected. With her half-blood, it was likely that in elf years she was still a mere child, though not by the human count. It wasn't exactly something that made it easy to determine her rights, as some that came as adulthood were determined at a certain age. Half-breeds could not really be determined to be adults at any age, as they grew and matured at whatever rate their heritage determined. Those with more elf blood grew more slownly, those with more human blood aged faster, and those of both... those of both could be adults at any time. The officials raarely bothered with it since it was such a pain, and so many just declared their adulthood whenever they loked and their physical appearance could support the claim.

Nia was obviously an adult, though, and one that was in a good deal of trouble if she was going to be dealing with townspeople. After searching the camp, that was the only place he could think that she would go to. Certainly, she would not go outside the camp and into the wilderness! There were creatures and even though this was decently inside the borders, there were always the dangers of rogue scouts or troops, and they didn't treat the women with respect. At least, that was what he had heard. It made him shudder to think of some of the stories that had been told about some of the things that had been done.

Anycase, he started on the path to the town. It wasn't a far distance, and it was one that was decently populated with some carts carrying things back and forth, and even a few guards and soldiers that had healed up wiell enough that they decided to visit. There were modest fortifications to the town as well, with a low stone wall keeping out both animals and providing a decent place to hide behind should someone attack. Flying arrows would have a harder time hitting their targets, for sure. Nowadays it was mostly for cows, though, to keep them and the sheep in. And beyond he could see the modest homes that filled the area. It was certainly nice enough, with few places that looked worn-down or from families that were poor. It was a rural place, with woodcutters and hunters, and self-sufficient enough that most would not hgave to worry about such things,. But where in it would Nia run off to? Wouldn't the cillagers be as cruel as everyone else?

A call came out from behind him, and he turned to see Nia running from the woods. She was waving a hand that held some plants. Kirn could hardle believe his eues. She had been to the woods! He stopped until she was close enough to reach, a few more moments because she slowed down on approach. Then his hands went up and started shaking her vigorously. "That place is dangrerous! If you needed herbs or medicinal plants, then I should be accompanying you! What is wrong with you?"

Nia wastaken aback by his actions, jerking away from him with wide eyes and a scared look on her face. She looked like she was about to be hit, and with that shine to them, Kirn could assume why her reaction had been so violent. He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, it's just that it really is dangerous, and I truly don't know whay you wwere possessed to leave like that. I know that the things said by the Prince wwere wonderful, and I'm sure lifted your spritis a great deal, but still, that si reckless and I don't feel-"

:He said what? Oh, Kirn, I am fine after hearing all that. It was just the thanks of a patient. In the long run, it means nothing. After all, I am just a Priestess, and just a half-breed. Mixed bloods aren't thanked by anyone important." There was an odd,s trained smile on her face that confused Kirn almost as much as her words had. Was there a problem in how the Prince had thanked her? Or had her wits been rattled by it and she would realize it later.

It seemed to be neither. There was a sharp jerk of her head, a twist of her face to the side, and Kirn could stt blood welling from a cut on her forehead. The stone that caused it fell to the ground in front of him. He wwas speechless for a moment, but after that moment was moving. His hand lifted to her face as he turned his, looking for the perpetrator. He soon found the person he sought, a little human boy that was glaring resentfully from where there was a bend in the fence. "Hey! You! Come here and explain yourself!" His words were sharp and harsh, and his hands almost twitched on her skin as he brought her closer so he could see the wound.

"Son wanna, don haveta!" the boy shouted back at him. There were some giggles from the same area, and a few heads popped up from behind the curve. "She's a halfie! She's a dirty blood, gettin' higher than her station! That's what me momma said!" He turned and ran, the others following him, almost unable to because they were laughing too hard at Nia's misfortune.

"Damn brat." He moved so that his shadow wasn't in the way of his sight. "This doesn't look too bad. Stop twisting. You'll hurt yourself if you try to get away like that, you know."

Her little struggles to get away weren't that bad, honestly, but he had no desire to let go. If she were closer to him, then she would be a little more protected. As protected as she would have been if he had been with her in the first place, he thought darkly. Or perhaps had kept her hood over her head. Why had she been running around with it down? This was obviously goingt to be the result! "Agitating people isn't going to do you any good." His hand reached back to draw it over her head, hiding her face from view. "I don't have anything to wrap that with, and it's bleeding a bit badly. I think that there's something that's been cut. Other than the skin, I mean."

Her hadn had reached up to put pressure on it. "No, that is just the way the face cuts bleed. Always worse than anything else, unless ya get an artery or vein." She shrugged. "Apologies. But I was running low on these, and then saw you coming to the town. I figured you might be... since you aren't watching the Prince, I thought you'd be coming to enjoy the town. I haven't been in, but I heard that there is a nice bakery and toy store in. I was hoping you would grace me and allow me to ask you to buy something from both places. The toys I use to keep children quiet. And I like the sour breads." She held out a hand, in which a small pouch was laying. "Please."

Her large eyes compelled him to say yes. It was something that he could do for her, since she was fool enough to risk her life outside the camp. He wondered where she had gotten the money, though, since Sisters were not paid for their work, and they were not given any through the Order itself. A lover, perhaps? The thought made him smile. The woman before him would be untouched if she were in the Order, no doubt about that. He couldn't be the only kind soul to take to her, Kirn suspected, and nodded his head to indicate that she would be recieving everyhting she asked for. He had to admit, it wasn't much or difficult to get. Practical, actually, and it impressed him a bit.

Then again, she didn't seem the impractical sort. The Order didn't breed those, and somehow he suspected that others wouldn't indulge that side of her if she had it. It had probably been stamped out long ago

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