Monday, November 14, 2011

NaNoWriMo 7

Yes, it's Write or Die again, and it means rough draft, rough writing, rough everything. I cannot guarantee I put this through Spell check before posting, so too bad, so sad.

embarassing that he had come for her, but what was she to do> Ah, well. She stood, held his hand for a moment longer and stepped away. This wasn't someplace that she should be staying around in, and there was no reason for her tostick atround the prince, for sure.

Liam watched her go for a moment, thinking about the young Prietsess. She was something of a mystery, and enigma, within the Order. After all, there were next to no half-breeds anywhere visible within the socail casts. To add to that, a Sylph? So important in these times of war! What had she been doing out there, theough?> It wasn't a place for anyone to be if they wnted to be safe. He rested his own hand against the tree she had been resting against. It was solid, the rough bark digging into his hand. At least she appeared to be safe, and woulnd't come to harm from his own soldiers. That was one thing he prided himself on having trained them in- mannes and chivalry.

It was something thast he felt should be spread to the rest of the kingdom. THat last thing they needed were disgruntled commoners when they were trying to fight a war. Father really bungled this up, he snarled to himself There were times his anger overtook him, and this was one of them. His eyes swept the forest, his ears alert, but his inner monologue really started to take off. That damnbastard, needing to agitate things between elves and himan. They weren't bad peiople, and they did so much important wotk for the naytion. It was like Father didn't nderstant that, and Laim didn't know whyu. It was a shame because there were so many good soldiers amont the himans, and scholars as well, thinkers, though they were more difficult to come actoss. Most had been educated by the Order or had nen taken in by them at some ooint, but they had bever [roved to be inferior to theid more immortal counterpartss. Wht couldn't father accept that? It was a shame indeed.

Besides, this one was proving that the policy was wrong. The finger othat had the ring felt heavier as he thought, his heart filled with thoughts of Lianna. She was the joy he thought he'd lost long ago. Even his younger sister had not brightened his days after a while of war. Being a general did not suit him in the least, but Liam had nonetheless taken up the mantle pof responsiblityt and had taken charge of a small group of troops. His father remained the commander, and had sent liam to repel an indading force from the West. Lianna had been one of the elves rescued, one of hte more minor nobles. But she worked in the fiels alsongside the humans, had sang with them, enjoyed their tales, and the one s that worked under her father had been well-treated and enjoyed fairly comfortable lives. It was surprising and pleasing to see such things happening in his nation. What more could be desired?

With a look of her eyes, Lianna had captured his heart. It was a rather rude shock to his father, but Liam was set to take the nation, and was already making his own deals with the counselors and advisors. There was little his father could get him to take away from everything that his legacy helg. It was something that Liam was proud of. WExcept... now he had to worry about traitors in his own kingdom. That was not good. Who would try to do such a thing and get him killed? He thought he had treated those he came across with respect, but apparently it wasn't enough. His thoughts strayed to the guard, since the Sylph was someone fairly above suspicioun. She had nothing to win by his death. The guard, though... He saw one of his footsoldiers coming towards him, and Liam motioned him near.

"There are no rebels or enemies here, sir. There is every sign that they have left and headed back towards the border."

"Good. Tell the rest to start moiving back towards camp and setting up. We will stay here the evening before following- we have no rush. They only wanted me and are unlikely to attack any villages or villagers along the way. Understood?" With a brisque nod, the elf scurried back into the woods, his quick, darting movements but quiet steps giving the impression of an overlarge mouse. Liam chuckled slightly. He liked comparing people to animals, and enjoyed the similarities that could be found between them.

With that, he turned back towards the camp, knowing that there would be duties to be carried out and announcements to make. Especially since by now the camp knew that he was the Prince, and not just an important general. Their lives would be in danger again, so perhaps it was time to send those in this camp packing and take those who would follow into battle. His troops needed refreshing, anyway, so this would be no ordeal for them. Sylph would get a guard of her own until they were safely in the heart of the capital, he surpmised, with her Superior getting another. Other than that... Thoughts of plans filled his head as he started into camp. Soldeirs were already making their way back and arranging themselves in the green feilds where forest had been cleared many decades ago, but had not been planted over with anything else due to the poor soil that had been there. The trees enjoyed it, but it was good for naught else except burial mounds and flowers.
And burials there were. The pyres were lit by nightfall, and the bodies piled on. Friend and foe, it did not matter, all were sent to the Gods for equal judgement. There was no difference between any ashes when it was over, the scent of raosting flesh both enticing and repellant for the soldiers, many of who knew the feel of it too well and had seen others injured by it. It was something that always shocked Liam a bit, when all was said and done, how the other nations had discovered brutal methods beyond swords and shields. This, though, was simple enough. Death. He had gazed over the charred flesh as the sparks flew high into the sky, until everything had been reduced to cinders. It had taken most of the afternoon to clear a place large enough for this to take place. There were no more than 20 dead, but to do them all at once before the flesh began to rot and disease began to spread, it was necessary. The fields were cleared of grass as quickly as possible, with the help of the townspeople who wanted the dead to pass onto the next world as quickly as possible (the destruction of the bodies that once held them helping to convince the lingering spirits to move on, according to local belief).

That circle of brown earth and loam, turned over for the clearing for the fire, smelled of fat drippings and meals now. He shuddered slightly as he also took part in the scattering of the ashes. They slipped through his fingers slowly, grey and cool, like water or silk, though it left a fine remnant over his own flesh. He trailed it where he went, knowing that it would do the groud good, perhaps allow the land to be tilled one day if it was nourished properly. Up to the treeling, the soldiers that took part -nearly all of them for this was something that was beoming far too common and solemn to ignore- scattered their ashes up to the treeline. Trails of silver that almost shone in the near darkness and rising moonlight showed their individual paths. The soldiers were like constellations, with comet trails or the lines of the galaxy following them in regal manner.

Liam had always held an admiration for those who would do such a thing for their own fellows. Most subscribed to the Order's religion, the religion that they had lived by for generations, since the beginning of teh kingdom. It was said that when a sldier took his fellow in hand, and helped them to the next world, then when their time came, the one they helped would be there with two great steeds, to lead the helper off into the afterlife, the Great Grasslands, the land of the Dead who died in proud battle. It was damnably envious that they could believe so firmly. After losing so many, after scattering so many ashes, Liam didn't know if he could believe in such a hthing. There would be a whole cavalry of soldiers taking him to his lace in the underworld if it were true. And that was not taking into account the ones that he had killed that might block his own apth there, screaming for revenge, possibly sending creatures to take his soul to torture and pain, possible sending them on the wrong path to wander eternally in the Mists of Time.

He shook his head mournfully. That was likely his fate, as he had ultimately been responsible for the deaths of so many. The ring felt cool against his skin as he lifted it to contemplate the fate that awaited him when his time finally came. The ash had left it with a silver sheen, a strange and ugly mix of colors that would not do when he saw her again. Ashes of elves were alwawys difficult to clean off, and some said that there was always a trace of them with you (which was how they found you once you yurself had died). His hands had almost never been truly clean since he began this long campaign, and he could believe that tale. It was likely that his own time would come before he could wash himself clean of these ashes that now lingered on top of the others that he had come here with.

But that was for another time. Right now he needed to address the men. He looked into the darkenss of the forest, feeling the breeze that alighted on the field and started sweeping the remains into the trees, glittering as if light flecks of snow or ice were falling to the ground or tumbling from the grass. It was almost beautiful.

Beauty of death was not something that a soldier about to return to battle should be thinking of, Liam scolded himself. He turned, and became aware that the ones here had surriousnded him, wanting to be with their captain. Laim's soldiers were closest to him, forming a shield and barrier, especially necessary after what had happened earlier with the assasination attempt. But others from the camp- wounded, healers, those who were merely bored guards that were good for nothering else and responsible for taking care of things witin the camp, stood near. This was peaceful, though, a restful calm that had overcome everyone, much to his own surprise.

Perhaps because they knew there would be no attack tonight- the enemy would be tending their own wounded and conducting their own funerals for their dead, even if some of the bodies were not with them. Liam bowed his head. "These were good men, who died protecting those who could not protect themselves. They did their best in the line of duty, fought hard, fought with all the pride they had in their kingdom and in themselves. We owe them our gratitude for protecting us, in their own way, and I know that I shall ever be thankfull that they were willing to put themselves at such risk for something so trivial. I do not wish for their deaths to be in vain. Therefore, I announce to you, that I am Prince Liam, of this dear nation, and I am grateful to all those who drew their swords. Though you were at risk because of my presence, you did your duty, you refused to give me over, though you knew not who I was at that time, and I cannot be more grateful. You all have reason to be proud of yourselves." His eyes lifted, and he met the gaze of the still silent, expecting soldiers.
"We will be following them tomorrow. Tonight, we will rest in rememberance." His former announcement was impressing no one. After all, they had to know something was up if he was making this annoucenment, and after what these rogues had asked, nothing less than his announcement of royalty was expected. Besides, everyone knoew that the Prince helped fight, command the army. What else was there for him to say about it all? He sighed and lowered his head ever so slightly. "Those who wish to come, may come. But you have to have approval from the Sisters to fight. Have the Sylh check you out, give you medicines, treatment, whatever. However, without her approval, none of you will be coming. As for everyone else, who is not approved, then tyou will be heading someplace safer into the interior, while new soldiers set up around here. Understood?"

There needed no response other than the looks upon their faces. Many of them had gained a look of disgust at the thought of having to have the Sylph's approval. However she was the best to determine of they could fight, and tiw as her approval that was needed. "If I find any of you that have not been to her, or are disregarding her orders concerning treatment, then you will be disciplined immediately, sent to the interior for menail punishment and demotion! Understood?" That sould make her job that much easier. He trusted the Sylph, since she had saved him. There was so much he could do to improve her standing like htis, and he felt badly for it. The sweet thing seemed tried of all of this, and going to the interior probably wouldn't hkpe, but at least she would be out of the way of the army, and the might save her life this time.

He gazed out over the men, seeing the acknowledgement in their eyes, the way they held themselves. Many were proud that they were going to be able to come with him, or at least hve the opprotinity. He coudl see the slump of those who knew their journeys were heading back into the country. And still others had sly looks in their faces. Abandoners, deserters, those hw ould need to keep an eye on or make warnings for. Ah, dear. "Then rest ongiht. and I will expect you all at first light. Dismissed." He stepped back and started around the group. They all stood for amoment watching, him, and then little by little the started filing back towards the camp, eventually turning into a large tuimbleweed of a group, some helping their comrdares back due to exhaustion ad injury, others making their ways back hesitantly for nights like these were said to forbode something worse in the early hours of the morning. His eyes strayed towards the sky. The Sykph would have her work cut out for her this evening, and he smiled grimly at the thought of it, making a silent apology to the gods, and wishing her a better luck than she had so far.

Nia was not so amused when awoken in the deep of the night. THe revels and traditions of soldiers had naught to do with her, and she was fine with that- naught hda much to do with her regardless of death or not, and the own favoried got would hold no balance or trade with the War god except on the nights when they danced, healing and war and death all together in one place on the battlefield. She had heard tell that sometimes they did come, in Blessed times, before the Tallwater years, where the Gods did come and walk among those that worshiped them and did conduct themselves twhere they could be seen, epherial creatures that created and shaped nations, while destryong others. It was supposed to be an astounding thing.

She was glad that she was not there to witsness it, for the confusion and issues that took place on battlefields like this were almost too much to handle. Especially when Princes (for she could hear the words of theose speaking around her, quietly exchanging gossip and traditional tales of him and his little works in battle and in peacetime) decided to make her work thrice as hard as she had been. Between now and first light, see to every soldier in the camp? The idea made her head hurt. She stepped out of the Sister's tent to a line of soldiers that wanted her to see them at that moment, no questions asked. Her shoulders slumped, and her eyes nearly closed with the weight of sleep on them. Eight hours was not enough for this.

But see them she did, one by one. She lowered her head as expected and put on her most humble voice, asking them if they would indulge her in not interrupting the other's sleep so she could attend them properly. It worked for them, and they made to the physician and general health tent. This was going to be a long night indeed. Her fingers grasped her medical bag tightly, wanting to keep it close and from prying eyes. She held special herbs and medicines, ones that were dangerous to her if she gave them to the wrong people, ones that were dangerous to the wrong people. She was a Sylph, and that meant there was a danger in everything. The light in the tent illuminated the first patient. Nia kneeled in front of him where he sat, and asked him what his name and injuried were. Thus, she treated eveyone who came to her. Some were fit to return, others wer enot, some were fit only to be hanged for rebellion, and those she made note of to ensure that the Prince would get a guard on them or watch them closely. She could see the looks in their eyes as one by one, they let her touch them. Some flinched from her and others held still but were tense all the way through her examination. It was a sorry way to be, having to be kind to them all.

It was humiliating dealing with some of their sideways comments and mutterings. Nia had never felt safe around most who hated her, and this evening none were to be found to help her, though she sent for two of her apprentices (they would not be after this evening, Nia grumbled to herself, after having to deal with yet another patient. He spit at her as he left, but Nia was not allowed to say anything. Rage seethed underneath her skin, her fingers clenching. This was not how she wanted her life to be, at all. But what could she do, a mere halfie? Run, perhaps, but that would endager her family, wherever they were, and the missing Sylph of this nation was not to be missed for long. There would surely be assasins to kill her as a defactor, and other nations would try to enslave her for her skills. Even if she were treated more kindly in those nations... No, because she was from this one. The idea saddened her. If she had run when she had the chance... But it was too late to be sorry about it now. What else was she going to do?
When they were no longer coming to her, she went to them, one by one, waking them from their dreams of home, of family, of lovers that waited for them in their pasts and fitures. She felt saddened, knowing that some of them would not know their faces again 9or ever) but at the same time felt a bitterness that they had such wonderous opportunityies that she never had and never would have. Her own emotions, her love and her faith, went into her healing and nothing else. Except perhaps for the man that she met in the woods.

Her eyes strayed to the darkened, star-studded sky that hung low over the camp. The man that she had met, so long ago, after she had run away but when she had been going out and about in the world for the first time. Healers were required to travel for a while, learning things from the local s about medicines, encouraging what they were doing right but also correcting if they were doing something wrong. Once in a while av aluable new resourcfe was discovered by such methods and the information disseminated through the school that taught them, the coilster where they worked and studied and healed those who came in for free. It was a small price to pay to travel so far when the healers the Order had were truly the best in that land- thou some places claimed otherwise. There was a strong tendency to revere and love the local healers, and while the order did nothing to discourage tose ideas- those ideas were still squashed soon after people started claiming it, usually by the healer falling sick or coming across a paient that only the healer that had just come from the Order could cutre. She herself had been sent to see what was up with a local healer, having istructions to do what she could for the people there, and the man that thehealer couldn't help...

He was human, with some elf blood distant in his lineage. She could tell from a certain tinge of color in his yees, peculiar to the longer-lived race that the elves were, that he had somehow managed to be bred out of a halfie like her. It was astonishing that anoyne would lower themselves to such a thing, but ther he was, with his kindness. The brush of his hand against her cheek made her heart tremble once more. If she had been dishonored by any of his advances the Order would know it, there was the sygil that they carried, the rosen recklace that helped ensure their purity to the Gods, and so the romance that had bloomed in her heart stayed hidden. Even so, it didn't help that she still enjoyed his company mre than she should have. It was something that was dangerous to her situation. The days that he spent under her care, being nothing but kind, not taking any tone that was rough or unkind... She loved it. Those days lingered in her mind, water in a desert of hatred. She could almost feel tears welling up.

At least she saw him these days on a fgoood bases. He had asked her questions of the order, she had answered, Nia knew that she was becoming a pupet for him, but could not bring herself to keep from telling him everything she knew about the nation. Things that he should have known if he were from here.

Nia walked to the last tend full of soldiers, knowing that she needed to study them and see what they needed. The false dawn was quickly approaching, and real down would come soon enough after that. It made her dread the coming day, when they would go after the soldiers that had attacked. Perhaps the man would be among them. She had, after all, given the information that someone imprortant was here. She didn't know it was the Prince... how had he known that? Perhaps it was some other source. nia knew that she wasn't the only traitor in teh nation. It also gave her a gladness that twisted and melded with a sick sort of vengance within her. She was a traitor, spiting the nation that treated her as though she were dirt. Was there nothing that the nation could do to her that would make her regret her actions? No. Nia knew that she would do it time and time again.

Thoughl... This tie, she did feel a twinge of regret. The prince indeed was a kind man, for an elf. Almost as nice as the blue-eyed spy. That was what made it hard for her to imagine that he would be killed or captured, what was going to make her ask if they could treat him kindly and perhaps not kill them if at all possible. But his father... his father was the problem, and perhaps losing his son would make him rethink a few things. There was no way he could know that she was doing it for revenge, for sorrow, of his policy and what he had done to her. But if he fell out of power because of the people, or if there was some way that he could be dethroned... then there was hope that things would improve for her. The bitterness of his anger and sorrow would be nothing to the joy she would feel for a better wituation, one of the things the spy had promised when she had spoken with him so long ago.

It felt so long ago. She had only seen him perhaps once a year since then, their clandestine meetings fell of whispers and talks. And he told her of his own land, where she would be treated queally, where she culd abandon the Order, have her own practice, see patients that would adore her for what she could do for them, and see them heal and happily live their lives. Perhaps even with him. Her heart fluttered gently. That was another avenue that opened to her, not having to let her youth and beauty waste. It was something that she dreamed of, the love that her parents had, the love that she wanted tso desperately. A family to go with it. Happiness. It was something that made her dreafully envious when they came in to see her, pleagin for their lives, for their children's lives.

They didn't know how blessed they were as it was. Nia knew that they had the opportunity to love eachother and have their children. THat alone was a blessing. Why should she let it continue? After all, they were just going to cause her more unhappiness, and any little time was more than she would have. It made her sick with anger.

The last man was examined, and she nearly tripped over her feet in exhaustion. She felt a rough hand against her shoulder, pushing her out of the way of the soldiers wher were exiting the tent in the dawn. Oh, dea, she hadn't written the list up yer. This would have to be given in person. It nearly set off a shudder of fear, exasperated by her tired nerves. It wasn't a good sign if she was reacting so strongly like this. She wanted nothing more than to fall into bed and sleep for hours on end, enjoying the nothingness that came with the deepest of rests. If she didn't get it soon, her nerves would snap. That was the last thing anyone needed- a sylph unable to do her job.

With that, she started towards the Prince's tent, hoping that he would still be there, running a little late.
He wasn't, and that made it a pain for her. The soldiers were amassing by the fields where they had scattered the ashes of their comrades the night before. It was still there, the smell of dust hanging in the air and bits of it coating their shoes and gleaming in the sunlight like tarnished silver. It was a shame that some of them were going back to battle after this, but what could one do? It both irritated and worried her. Nia knew her emotions about it wer eunstable, which was bad for a healer. They had to be calm and unemotional, caring at the very most, because otherwise they could make poor judgements with their patients. Nia wanted to snort- almost did on the ash- but held it as best she could. After all it wasn't exactly something that she was good at. Her emotions had been ruffled long ago, and someone in her situation couldn't help but have some instability. What did they expect from her?

The Prince would expect her report this morning, that was what. She slipped around the soldiers to someplace discreet, off tothe side where she would not be in full view. Her hood hung over her head to protect her eyes from the rays of light that struck into her face as a knife would- almost as painfully. She turned her head slightly watching some of the glittered remains dance in the light where shuffling feet kicked them up, as if they were coming back for a brief moment to stand among the people they knew and loved. She wished them well on their journey to the afterlife, wherever they ended up. The Prince's mail gleamed as liquid water in the sunshine. His bearing and demeanor drew attenion to himself. He walked around to the head of the men, who quickly shuffled themselves unto line and stood as tall as they could in the face of such a great man.

"We have our inspections finished, and those who will be going have been decided." A brief glance over at her, since they had not had a chance to speak before this. Obviously the Prince had taken the opportunity to rest, and the bitterness of how she felt versus how well he looked made her want to spit. Her slight nod confirmed it. "And we will be marching out to the East. Several of our scouts have returned and have a tracking on where these men are. We will be
She would need to get those warnings out about deserters.

"As for the rest of you, you will be heading to Yothina, father in. This town needs no protection, as the only reason it was attacked was because of those assasnins after me. Replacement soldiers and a healing camp will be made just a league over. Closer to the fighting, yes, but not so much so that there should be any true danger to those who go there. After all, we can after them in an hours time, when those of you who are coming have packed up and saddled up. We ride no later, and anyone who is too slow will be left behind."
hld of those invaders, can't we?" He made a bold, brassy assertion that got the men laughing and cheering. Jests were made about the enemy, and with that, he had them dismissed to take care of things. Nia could hardly believe it. That close to the Capital? It was far too shocking! There was an honest hospital there, with good supplies, but really... this was salt in a wound instead of herbs. He didn't care that she had saved his life, he was being spiteful!

Nia almost stormed back to the camp to begin packing herself. However, her training had her motionsless and waiting some signal that said she, too, may go. It wasn't that there wasn't any reason for her to go, but there certainly was no need for her to be rude. And she still had that information. That was what he still needed. He strode over, shoulders back, looking unusually refreshed in the light. The sun was now yellow instead of the blaring white that had covered them earlier, this more like daisies and butter intead of snow. It gave everything s sick gleam. So he planned to move out when this was over, was he? And the light came to the clarity that made everything it's right color.

She took a deep breath and kept her eyes on his feet. There was no reason to acknowledge him first after this insanity. He knew she would be shunned. He knew... And it made her furious. It made her face as still as one of the paper masks that were sold during festivals and holidays. Her eyes perhaps couldn't hide it as well, but she was damned well going to try. His boots stopped directly in front of her- a perfect place to aim at if she were so inclined to spit, as she had desired earlier. But that would truly get her in trouble with Superior, and she had no mind to face demotion from her postition. There were certain benefits to it that she was not yet willing to give up, and that was woth keeping her temper. "So are you prepared to walk me through. I would appreciate if you came and pointed who wan trouble and who was not. I'm sure some of the wounded will be trying to sneak awayt as well, and we don't ned to be kept at a slow pace by them, or need soldiers dying on us."

She nodded, keeping her eyes down. Calm, cool, collected. He started off towards the camp, a few attendents in tow- other soldiers, his at-hand men. Those who would actually remember who was whe and needed to be watched. She started off behind them at a respectful pace and place. "Up here! So you can point them out and we will see who you are talking about." The pRince called back to her.

She moved forward, eyes on the ground, almost tripping over her robe. The heat fo some of the elve's looks nearly burned her. She made a slight curtsy as she reached his side. Mindful of her manners, indeed- Suerior would find no fault with her today. Possibly because she was nowhere to be seen, packing for the trip ahead. It was going to be a pain. Regardless...

They came to a place where they could see some of the camp. A cleared throat alerted her to her duty. Her hand raised, and finger pointed, and she rattled off information. At first she did it slowly, but one of the men deemed to complain that it was too slow, that they would be leaving beofre she had gotten it all out.
Her speed picked up, and her words quickened. She rattled them off like a seasoned parole officer that had been doing drills for far too long (and perhaps with the same soldiers for too long, as well). They seemed to absorb what she was saying with astonishing ease. And they wer elistening. Nia felt powerful in that moment. She could tell them who was fit or not- their careers at this point were in her hands. It was tempting to do something to them, ruin their plans in some way, but... How could she? These men worked honestly even if she did not care for them. Soldiers would be soldiers. And they were not responsible for the hate that was seeped into their minds by the King's policies, or his advisor's.

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